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I work with both people and horses and am constantly blown away by the shift I see kinesiology make in their lives.
We have the power to shift, but sometimes it can feel like there is too much in the way. We can feel incredibly stuck and hopeless in our pain and trauma. This is where I believe kinesiology can be hugely beneficial. My favourite thing about kinesiology is that no session is the same, this is because we are guided by your neurology as to what is correct for you and your specific focus – from a mental, emotional and physical view point. We then balance your system to create new references so that things that felt so incredibly hard can begin to shift. I chose to study kinesiology because I saw how transformative it was in my own life and in the life of others. Everyone can benefit from a kinesiology session, no matter the issue so take a chance, it just might surprise you.
I began to also specialise in equine (horse) kinesiology because of my passion for horses and finding ways to work with, and best understand them. Here the focus is around de-stressing and balancing the animal relative to the focus/cause of the distress. I help owners understand their horses and how they are responding to a situation. I then help guide owners with how to engage with their horses in a way that is most beneficial to both the animal and the owner. Due to years of experience with horse’s I also provide guidance to riders on how to adjust their positions and strategies so that they can approach situations from a point of view the horse can understand. I offer behavioural sessions where I use both Kinesiology and behavioural training techniques to help improve rider/horse communication. As I always say: There is no such thing as a naughty horse, just a misunderstood one