Neuro training

Developed by Andrew Verity and based in Australia, these series of workshops are recognized by the Australian Kinesiology Association. The level 1 workshops are already a recognized Certificate IV qualification, and the advanced workshops are in the final steps of being rewritten for diploma status.
Neuro-training integrates many natural therapies, techniques and principles from both Eastern and Western philosophies in a solution oriented process where you are able to direct your own response through the natural laws that govern the nervous system. You have an innate ability to adapt and recuperate to influences what affects your everyday life. Should you be unable to adapt appropriately, your subconscious will let you know via various symptoms. Many symptoms experienced are generally suppressed – they are “pushed away”, “go through the pain” and “get on with life” etc. Neuro-Training aims to find the cause of the symptom and, therefore, enable the subconscious to resolve the issue by retraining the nervous system with the best neurological option to solve that particular issue – naturally enhancing your recuperating ability.

Basic courses required to qualify as a Neuro-Trainer:

The Art of Solution Oriented Neuro-Training

This is the first workshop taught in the Neuro-Training program. It is for students who have no previous kinesiology learning, as well as for the experienced practitioner.


Prerequisites: Preferably TFH 1 and 2

Duration: 4 Days

Principles of Recuperation

An introduction to the Model of Universal Principles. ‘Principles of Recuperation’ teaches you the context of recuperation within the biggest picture and gives you an enormous amount of information on how to discover the correct context to work within.


Specific Topics:

Prerequisites: The Art of Solution-Oriented Neuro-Training (ASONT)

Duration: 4 Days

Blueprint One

This workshop is aimed at developing your personal awareness and self reliance, by clearing away the restrictive inherited patterns that influence our personal and professional behaviours, and that prevent us from expressing the truth of who we really are. The workshop also clears specific emotional and mental stress held at a subconscious level.


Prerequisites: ASONT and Principles of Recuperation

Duration: 4 Days

Innate Intelligence

This workshop from Neuro-Training builds on the information from the ‘Art of Solution Oriented Neuro-Training’ in a very congruent and empowering way. Innate Intelligence includes not just Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 checking but also the hierarchy of muscles, simultaneous checking, new information on circuits, gaits, reflexes versus circuits, contingent checking and stress responses.


Prerequisites: ASONT and POR

Duration: 4 Days


After having achieved the basic understanding from ASONT, Innate Int, PoR and BP1, now comes the ‘putting it all together’ process.


Prerequisites: ASONT, POR, BP, II

Duration: 4 Days

Final receipt of a Neuro-Training Practitioner qualification also requires the handing in of theoretical homework for each of the above five modules, as well as completion of a written and oral examination.